What if You Could Use a Map on Your Phone to Quickly Locate Equipment in Your Buildings?
Asset tracking for fixed assets can be a real problem when you need to find something quickly. How do you currently do this? Wouldn’t it be a huge time saver if you could simply use your smartphone or tablet to see the precise location and then follow blue-dot navigation directly to it?
How stressful is it when the Joint Commission comes to your facility?
What if you could hand them a tablet that with the click of a button could provide a list of the inventory of devices, and then guide them to each one. And then, upon checking each one, they can click another button to view the entire service history of that device?
How often does your facility check the batteries and pads on the wall-mounted defibrillators?
What if you could click one button to see the list of all of the AED’s, and then confirm the last time someone checked them? And then, click another button to be led directly to the location of the AED that needs checking?
How much time is wasted looking for the correct room that houses a particular HVAC unit or enterprise printer when it needs servicing?
Wouldn’t it be nice to give your vendors access to all the units they need right on their phone? No more wandering around, guessing where they may be found.
Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) are making all kinds of work environments smarter and more streamlined, from hospitals and office buildings to factories and building sites. Applications include visualizing and analyzing the flow of goods, keeping track of inventory, building materials and equipment, as well as monitoring the movements of employees in restricted or dangerous areas. The benefits are potentially huge due to more efficient processes, reduced waste and losses, as well as better use of resources and improved employee safety and productivity.
CampuSEARCH™ location-based analytics uses real-time positioning data analysis to provide invaluable insights into how assets and staff are moving through your campus. Regardless of the specific operations of your organization, the potential benefits of location analytics are wide-ranging:
- Improve asset and personnel management by analyzing and improving inefficient movement of both equipment and people
- Use assets and personnel more efficiently by monitoring the “travel patterns” of both through your campus
- Time and date specific heatmaps show asset and staff dwell time for any location on any floor and at any time
CampuSEARCH™ location-based analytics uses real-time positioning data analysis to provide invaluable insights into how assets and staff are moving through your campus. Regardless of the specific operations of your organization, the potential benefits of location analytics are wide-ranging:
- Improve asset and personnel management by analyzing and improving inefficient movement of both equipment and people
- Use assets and personnel more efficiently by monitoring the “travel patterns” of both through your campus
- Time and date specific heatmaps show asset and staff dwell time for any location on any floor and at any time