How automated lighting is one of the key ways of making a smart building “smart”
Dave Hollander, the Director of Marketing for the Bluetooth SIG, recently released an interesting article that links automated lighting to being one of the driving forces behind the concept of a smart building.
Ever since Bluetooth has released its Bluetooth mesh, truly “smart” smart buildings have tended to use connected lighting.
What is so “smart” about these connected lights? Well, let’s first look at the concept behind a smart building. Some people may simply define smart buildings as a building that uses automated processes to control the building’s operations, such as lighting. But a truly smart building uses its own infrastructure to help its owners improve asset dependability and performance. These lighting systems work as a whole to act as a network of smaller computers that possess the capabilities to complete other functions.
Companies are working on a way for these connected lighting systems to support services like wayfinding, asset tracking, point-of-interest information solutions, and space utilization services.
One recent case study follows the major retailer Target. Target is working on remodeling its stores. They are trading out their traditional lights with LED lights. Bluetooth beacons will be installed in the lighting fixtures to enable location and wayfinding services in order to help customers navigate the store. Customers will be able to install the Target app to find products in less time. As soon as this project is done, it will be one of the largest arrangements for lighting-based indoor positioning systems.
Target is not the only major retailer that has jumped on board with location services. According to Proximity Directory, 75% of the top U.S. retailers already have installed location services. Based on recent trends, this number will only trend upwards.
Thanks to Bluetooth’s innovations of smart lighting networks and the advancement of Bluetooth location services, lighting systems can uphold a range of building services. In a smart building, lights are more than just lights.